Pen and paper. Word. Scrivener. Ulysses. Aeon Timeline. Notecards, voice recorders, lap-desks and more! What are the tools you use to write? (Spoiler alert: we love Scrivener)
Apps and tools we discussed in the episode:
- Scrivener
- Microsoft Word
- Ulysses
- Aeon Timeline
- Scapple
- Your Own Wiki (This gets somewhat technical. If you want a recommendation about which wiki platform to use, reach out to John on Twitter at @JohnRobinRT)
- K. Tempest Bradford’s Podcast, The Write Gear (Apple, Google)
- Elan’s favorite online shop for fountain pens and paper: Goulet Pens
- Lap desks discussed in the episode: Lap Desk 1, Lap Desk 2
- Padded standing mat (There are cheaper alternatives: this one is a butterfly, this one is a simple rectangle.)
- K.M. Weiland’s Website and newsletter, which provide a scrivener template: